Get 20% off this month when you request a numerology session with Camelia.
Get 20% off this month when you request a numerology session with Camelia.
I asked the Universe one day: " How may I serve ?"
And the Universe answered back: " How may I serve you ?"
Since then, year 2000 to be more exact, I searched and I was guided gently to grow and expand my conscious awareness.
Along the way I studied with world-renowned teachers like Drunvalo Melchizedek for the Awakening the Illuminated Heart, Michael Brian Baker, for Breathwork, Dr. Eric Pearl, for Reconnective® Healing, Joseph Ghabi for Numerology and others.
The more I served in charitable organizations, I remembered unconditional love and more opportunities and people appeared in my life. My heart was filled with a thirst to share this overflowing love and passion to make a difference.
I am a Registered Yoga Teacher RYT® 200 hours with Yoga Alliance and have been teaching since 2009.
Over the years I attended different styles of Yoga trainings and realized that I wanted to bring together all the knowledge I accumulated into a new style of yoga for the purpose of teaching people how to master their energy, raise their vibration, bring their body into balance for healing and to thrive.
I developed High Vibrational Yoga by combining an authentic yoga practice based on the teachings of ancient Korean tradition and ha-tha Yoga, which against common understanding means ALL physical forms of Yoga practice, not a specific "style".
The practice includes Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises for vital energy), Bandha (co-operating muscle groups that serve the movement of energy and breath), Meridian Stretching, Body tapping, Meditation, Relaxation and Chanting.
High Vibrational Yoga opens your awareness to the fact that you are an Energy Being suitable for all ages and abilities, whether you are highly experienced or a beginner.
As a Reconnective® healing practitioner, Spiritual group facilitator and one-on-one Spiritual coach, Numerologist, Certified Breath Work Healer and Guardian, I have been guiding many people into this inner journey to heal at the physical, emotional and mental level.
With this gifts I have the capability and knowledge to act as the catalyst for Love Vibration to help with the healing of humanity.
Allowing ourselves to feel and to be LOVE, it is our ultimate life greatness journey.
Thank you for choosing to be part of this journey of Transformation, Remembering and Expansion,
Alchemical Conscious Breathwork
Access a powerful practice that connects us with our innate wisdom, brings greater awareness to our lives, and guides us to overall wellbeing and happiness — the alchemy of applied breathwork.
Your breathwork practice can instantly change your state of being and point of view at any moment... whenever you need to create harmony and peace in your life.
You can practice now in the comfort of your home as much needed for your own transformation for a low price of $20.